Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Yet another blog - The whys ...

I already have a blog -, why the need for another.

Perspectives, Paradigms and Critical Thought
is my personal blog. It is something that i update as and when i get a really deep insight into a significant behavioral/attitudinal change in my life. This blog is different, this is where i would like to post my random musings ... usually on work, my academic interests, society in general and my volunteer activities.

What triggered the creation of this blog? I had a message in my inbox from a very dear friend asking me for my opinion on "sting operations" and "carbon colonialism" and i suddenly realized that when i have an opinion i could communicate it to all through the medium of the web! If somebody wants to read the random thoughts and opinions of a "mindless thinker", who am i to stop them :D!

This is not going to be a journal or an open diary, i don't think i would ever put up those everyday thoughts online. I will be updating this blog more often than my personal blog!

Hope my visitors enjoy the content that i put up on this site!

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